Today I took our youngest daughter, Madysen, to Kindergarten Orientation! When people say they can't believe how fast kids grown's because it's true. Madysen turns 5 this June and she couldn't be happier! When the letter came in the mail inviting parents and their kindergartners to orientation, she was beyond thrilled! I read it to her in the car and she was squirming and giggling in her booster seat, hardly able to contain her excitement. :) When our daughters were born, I often daydreamed about the milestones they would reach in life and where we would be at the time. Each time these milestones arrive, it's always bittersweet to reflect back on the years that have passed and how much our children have changed. When we arrived at Kindergarten Orientation, we turned in the usual school forms and picked up another packet of forms. Madysen was given a book that read, "Kindergarten, Here I Come!". They also gave all of the kids a box of crayons and a name tag.
We sat in the gym and listened to the Principal speak about the upcoming year before hearing a few of the Kindergarten teachers speak. Madysen turned to me and asked which one her teacher was going to be, and of course I told her we would have to wait until school started. They invited the kids to join the teachers on a tour of the classrooms while us parents listened to more jib-jab from the District Health something-or-another. Lol I would have rather joined Mady on her first tour of the kinder classes so I could see her reaction, but then again this must be one of the moments where we have to learn to let go. :0( After the kids returned, they concluded the orientation with donuts and milk for refreshments.
I do have to say that I'm really excited that Mady will be attending the same school as Sariah next year. I mentioned in a previous post that Sariah was accepted into the advanced learning program and so she'll be changing schools for the upcoming year. They instructed parents that any child with siblings would have to be placed on a waiting list. Well, we headed on over to the new school and immediately placed Madysen on the list because it was imperative to us that they attend the same school...especially with it being Mady's first year. You can imagine our excitement and relief when we received the call that Mady had been accepted. I'm sure by the time the new school year approaches, we'll have gotten over the fact that our girls are growing up and that it's time to let go just a little. But then again, is that even possible? :)
Such a big girl! So true on the bittersweetness... you're so proud but it's so hard to know that they're growing up. <3
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