Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature." If this is so, then I must humbly declare these five friends of mine be deemed the "Picasso's" of this very statement. Ü
Gloria Sagato (Taala) and I have been best friends since we were 5 years old. I have so many sporadic memories of the adventures we had growing up together. Gloria has an older sister, Verona, who just so happens to by my older sister's best friend as well! That being so, much of my memories aren't complete without the additions of Verona & Chrystel. Gloria is such a sweet and caring person. For much of the time she seems quiet and shy, but she can definitely speak her mind and "laugh out loud"! When her family decided to move to Utah, I was so heart broken at the thought of losing my best friend. I remember the day that her family pulled into our drive-way with everyone in-tow ready to head to Utah. They made a stop at our house so that we could say good-bye to each other. Although I was sad to see her go, I was adamant at that young age that distance would have no constraint on our friendship. We made a pact to write each other as often as we could and to talk on the phone whenever our parents would let us make the long-distance call. Lol As time has told, distance had no effect on our friendship and after 23 years, I'm glad to still call her my best friend. P.S. Do you like cheese? LOL
It shouldn't come as a surprise that I consider my older sister to be one of my besties. Ü My sister Chrystel (Magalei) is older than me by 13 months. It must be because of our closeness in age that we were always bickering (as my mom use to say lol) when we were younger. Chrystel can be pretty moody herself (lol), but at the end of the day she really does have a soft heart and she always makes me laugh. Ü My sister and I spent a lot of time together during high school. I remember riding the bus to and from school every morning and eating lunch together in Mrs. Schwartz's classroom. During high school we had one class that we would cross paths on our way to and during this time we would pass a note to each other. In our notes we talked about our day's activities and anything that was going on during that time. We even drew pictures and decorated them with bright words using Crayola markers. I wish now that I had kept some of those letters but even having the memory of it is just as good. I love you Chrystel...thanks for being an amazing sister. Ü
Verona Luse Sagato is Chrystel's best friend and they are in fact a lot alike! Ü Verona gets into her grumpy moods sometimes (like her bf does hehe), but I always think it's funny that she is still willing to hang out and have fun with everyone. She'll even complain that she's grumpy...even while we're having a good time! LOL Since moving to Utah, I've become much closer to Verona and I know a lot of it has to do with the fact that much of what she does reminds me of my big sister. Verona and Gloria have made my transition here so much smoother by being there for me and of course by being the wonderful friends I have always known them to be. Verona is such a funny person and I know she doesn't even have to try! She always...always makes me laugh and most of the time it's because of something silly and minute. :) There aren't many people in the world that you can whole heartedly and unequivocally be yourself around without worry of judgement, and for me, she counts herself as one of them. Ü
What a wonderful shout out to some wonderful ladies! This is a beautiful tribute. Good job friend!
Love it!!! You have a great group of besties!!!
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