On Saturday, Sariah had her first volleyball tournament since joining the Utah Juniors a few weeks ago. Their season had already started when I saw a picture of a friends daughter who was already playing and asked about the program. I contacted the club director the same day and she was incredibly nice and allowed Sariah to join the club with the remaining time that they had. Sariah attended a volleyball clinic last year and I wasn't too happy about the level of instruction that was being taught so I had high hopes for this new venture. After just a few practices, Sariah had already learned so much and she has improved each time. She loves volleyball and she loves her team. The girls were so friendly and welcomed her with smiles.
Sariah played 3 games during the tournament on Saturday. They won and lost a set on the first game and ended up playing a third and lost by only 2 points. They won their second game and lost their third (I attribute that to being tired, especially after being there for 7 hours Lol). Even with the last game being a loss, Sariah was happy to have played and she had so much fun doing so. Looking forward to another season soon. :)